This machine and cabinet were found as we left our house and drove 4 houses down the street. Neighbors were clearing out their house and my husband said, it's just a matter of time before there is a sewing machine out there... and there it is! Sure enough, there she sat. A Singer 15-91 in an art deco style cabinet WITH the stool! We of course screeched to a halt. Jeremy hopped out and asked if they were interested in selling it. They were. It sat on the driveway because they couldn't lift it into to large blue dumpster sitting there.
Now how to get her home. All five kids were in the car on the way to dinner with the in laws so we didn't have anywhere put it. We ended up setting it on the small ledge in the back of the Tahoe while my husband slowly walked behind holding it in. A friend and neighbor drove past us and had a good laugh at the scene. When we got her home and had a chance to peek inside the stool and drawers were full of lovely sewing treasures. The Singer accessories box, a lovely silver and gold thimble, old buttons, oh so much stuff! So finally, here she is....and we are.....
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